Friday, May 31, 2019

If you didn't finish your classwork, please complete the questions below. Estimate the differences and then find the sum.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Practice making even more couplets with 'Martha's Rhyme Time'.

A more challenging look at photosynthesis for those of you who want to dig deeper!

Please complete the questions below in your math notebook.

Some more tangram patterns to try and solve!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Download and print a free tangram puzzle here! Use the activities and videos to help you make lots of interesting things using geometric shapes! Check out the video of the tangram cat below!

Practice writing and illustrating some couplets at home!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

This week we are writing couplets using rhythm and rhyming words. Try to make some at home with your family! Here are a few of the examples we looked at today.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Please solve this at home (ask your parents to help you!) if you did not complete it during class time. Use this link to the base ten blocks to help you.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Here is another video on photosynthesis from Doctor Binocs!

How do plants make food? Watch this video on photosynthesis to learn how!

Here is the original song we used as inspiration for our virtue's assembly on 'courage'. It sure took a lot of courage for those kids to get on stage yesterday and perform in front of the entire school!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

We will have a vocabulary quiz in Science tomorrow. Use the links on the blog to review! Here are the words you will need to know:
life cycle, seedling, mature plant, germinate, embryo, pollen, pistil, stamen, petals, leaves, stem, root, flower, fruit, carbon dioxide, photosynthesis, seed, survive, nutrients
Practice adding three digit numbers with this fun spin the wheel game!

A song from Numberock to help you with three-digit addition!

Today we learned about Gustav Klimt's, 'Tree of Life'. Click on the picture below to visit the tutorial we used to draw our very own tree of life!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Just a reminder about tomorrow's field trip. Please wear long pants and appropriate footwear for a farm. Wear a hat, sunscreen and mosquito repellent. Make sure to bring your reusable water bottle and a healthy snack for the bus!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Please use the diagram below to help you complete your homework.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Like fruit? Thank a Bee? Watch the video below to review how bees and other organisms play their part in pollination!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

If you look inside a flower, what will you find? How does a pollinator pollinate a flower? What are the male and female parts of a flower called? Find out the answers to these questions and more in the video below!

Monday, May 13, 2019

"Come one, come all! Our final SIS Cross-Country Competition of the semester will be this Thursday, May 16th from 3-5pm @ Emerald Lake. Come see and support the fastest runners we have compete against Marlborough, Tenby, and Raffles. Let's show them our shining Sunway spirit and sportsmanship. Hope to see everyone there!" 

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

To connect to our class novel, Charlotte's Web by E.B. White, we read the non-fiction book, Spiders by Gail Gibbons. Can you describe what a spider looks like using your senses? Have you ever seen a spider "as small as a speck of dust" or "as big as a plate"? What are some other ways you can describe spiders?

If you want to learn about more spiders visit:
You can use the practice questions below to prepare for the test tomorrow!

Friday, May 3, 2019

Seed germination to growth filmed over ten weeks!

Watch Annie and Moby again to review how to write descriptive stories using your senses!